Do you want to go to the theatre, but don’t know what to do with your kids? It’s not a problem for the Syrena Theatre – we offer the “Nanny at the Theatre” service. We provide childcare during our repertoire performances. When the parents are watching the show, their children are participating in workshops organized by experienced nannies and animators.
We provide care for children aged 4-10, for the cost of 40 PLN. The child can be left under our supervision 15 minutes before the start of the show, and has to be picked up no later than 20 minutes after the show ends.
In order to use this service, a parent / guardian must inform us minimum 2 days before the show either by telephone (22 10 11 613 or 22 10 11 630) or by email (bilety@teatrsyrena.pl). If you are interested in our “Nanny at the Theatre” service, please read the following regulations.
Rules of the “Nanny at the Theatre” service (binding from February 12, 2023).
- As part of the “Nanny at the Theatre” project (hereinafter referred to as the Project), the Syrena Theatre with its registered office in Warsaw (00-589), 3 Litewska Street provides care for children of attendees – parents/legal guardians during performances staged in the theatre.
- The Theatre provides childcare in the Syrena Theatre building, 3 Litewska Street, 00-589 Warsaw.
- The Theatre provides the service for children aged 4-10, only during the time the parent/legal guardian is participating in the show.
- The cost is 40 PLN (pretax) for one child for the duration of the show.
- Payment for the service is made at the theatre box office or via the theatre website www.teatrsyrena.pl.
- In order to use the service, the parent/legal guardian is obliged to notify the theatre about their request at least 2 days before the performance.
- The request, referred to in point 6, has to be done either via telephone (22 10 11 613/630) between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., or via email: bilety@teatrsyrena.pl.
- The service is provided only on the basis of the receipt of the application confirmed by the theatre, referred to in point 6.
- When placing a child under the care of a nanny, the parent/legal guardian is obliged to submit a completed and signed form, the template of which is attached as Appendix 1 to the Regulations.
- The template for the form is available at the theatre box office and on the website www.teatrsyrena.pl.
- The Theatre specifies that it takes care of healthy children who do not show any symptoms of illness. In the case of when a child is showing signs of illness, the theatre reserves the right to refuse to provide the service.
- The theatre provides care for children 15 minutes before the start of the show, until the child is picked up by the guardian/parent after the show, which should take place no later than 20 minutes after the end of the performance.
- Childcare is provided also during intermissions.
- The place where the child is left by the parent and then picked up from is designated by the theatre.
- When picking up the child, the parent/legal guardian confirms this in the appropriate form.
- The Theatre reserves the right to check the identity document when handing over/collecting the child from the nanny.
- During the service, the theatre reserves the right to call the parent/legal guardian from the performance.
- The child’s parent/legal guardian bears legal and material responsibility for any damage to persons and property caused by the child.
- The theatre is not responsible for items left by children on the premises of the theatre.
- Persons providing care are not entitled to administer medicine, meals and drinks to the child.
- The Theatre is not responsible for accidents resulting from non-compliance with the provisions of these regulations.
- The Theatre processes the personal data of the child’s parent/legal guardian. The information clause constitutes Appendix No. 2 to the Regulations.